Puar uses the concept of “debility”—bodily injury and social exclusion brought on by economic and political factors—to disrupt the category of disability.
The book reveals the human cost of buyer-driven supply chains and capitalism by examining the consequences of the relationship between Apple and its supplier Foxconn on Chinese workers.
Yergin offers an account of how energy revolutions and climate change shape great power rivalries and their geopolitical strategies while setting them on a collision course in their pursuit of global dominance.
Western retailers and merchandisers ship their production overseas, primarily to Asia. Hamilton and Kao trace the rise and fall of Taiwan as the main OEM destination for these retailers. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with Taiwanese businesspeople, they show how intermediate-demand driven supply chains structure production according to the logic
Blanchette sheds light on ideological battles waged within China since the death of Mao Zedong. He claims that China is undergoing a Maoist revival and analyzes individuals and groups that are behind it.
Tcherneva presents the case for a universal, permanent, federally funded and decentralized program that offers voluntary employment opportunities to those willing and ready to work.
In his book, Blustein chronicles the contentious diplomatic history that led to China's WTO membership and the subsequent trade woes that resulted from the China Shock.
Johny Pitts travels the Continent to uncover its African communities carving spaces for their identities within broader national European ones. It is a documentary, bottom-up, look at spaces Afropeans inhabit with a blend of observation and history that produces a revealing narrative.
Milanovic divides capitalism into two administrative regimes - the liberal meritocratic and the political, one represented by the US, the other by China. He analyzes features and forces that generate inequalities within them and tries to address the question of where capitalism itself is headed.
Foroohar shows how financialization perpetuates Wall Street's reign over Main Street, widens the gap between the rich and the poor and imperils our future.
In a searing critique of biotechnology's impact on agricultural production in India in the 1980s and 1990s, Shiva exposes the ecological roots of communal violence that struck Punjab.
Kelton introduces Modern Monetary Theory to readers by way of tackling the "Deficit Myth" - the overhyped focus on national debts. When we dispense with the debt mantra, we can focus on things that matter and put people over balanced budgets.
U romanu koji je ušao u najuži krug za NIN-ovu nagradu 2018. Lana Bastšić istražuje sećanje na jedno detinjstvo i iskreno prijateljstvo u jednoj zemlji čuda koja je bila u jeku raspadanja.
U ovom istorijskom romanu, Žurić opisuje epidemiju kuge u Irigu krajem osamnestog veka i način na koji se ona suzbila. Priča takođe ukazuje na odnose moćne imperije prema jednom od potlačenih naroda koji je sačinjava.
Krugman lays bare the 2008 financial crisis—the greatest since the 1930s—tracing it to the failure of regulation to keep pace with an out-of-control financial system. He also tells us how to contain the crisis and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession.
The Truth About Modern Slavery reveals how modern slavery has been created as a political tool by those in power. It shows how anti-slavery action acts as a moral cloak, hiding the harms of the ‘hostile environment’ towards migrants, legitimising big brands’ exploitation of the poorest workers and oppressing sex