Book Reviews - Page 6

Against Creativity – Oli Mould

November 13, 2018
Against Creativity, Oli Mould, Verso Books, October 2018, pp. 240, $33, ISBN 978-1-78663-649-2 In 2015, Martin Prosperity Institute, affiliated with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management published a report titled Global Creativity Index. The report sought to assess the ‘creativity’ of countries by measuring their economic growth and

Climate Leviathan – Mann & Wainwright

November 7, 2018
Climate Leviathan: Towards a Political Theory of Our Planetary Future, Geoff Mann and Joel Wainwright, Verso Books, February 2018, pp. 224, $35.99, ISBN 978 – 1786634290 Increasingly, our hopes for saving the planet from destruction are placed in international conferences; gatherings of heads of states and their delegates aimed at

Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet? – Dauvergne

October 30, 2018
Will Big Business Destroy Our Planet?, Peter Dauvergne, polity, 2018, pp. 139, $15.95, ISBN 978-1-5095-2400-6 The Earth system is in crisis. Summer after summer, we are confronted with unprecedented temperatures that warm up the seas, leading to ever stronger and more destructive winds which fuel raging forest fires and destroy

Listening to Grasshoppers – Arundhati Roy

October 24, 2018
Listening to Grasshoppers: Field Notes on Democracy, Arundhati Roy, Hamish Hamilton Canada, 2009, pp. 256, paperback, $26, ISBN978-0-670-06398-7 ‘Listening to Grasshoppers’ is a collection of essays and lectures, written and delivered by Arundhati Roy between 2001 and 2008, amidst global and domestic turmoil. The essays and lectures themselves stand as

A Question of Torture – Alfred W. McCoy

October 18, 2018
A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Alfred W. McCoy, Metropolitan Books, 2006, pp. 290, $33.95, ISBN 0-8050-8041-4 McCoy’s A Question of Torture is a part of The American Empire Project, which seeks to examine the origins of US imperial aspirations and

Europe’s Last Chance – Guy Verhofstadt

October 10, 2018
Europe’s Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union, Guy Verhofstadt, Basic Books, 2017, pp.304, $36.50, ISBN 978-0-465-09685-5 Verhofstadt might have been the Prime Minister of Belgium for 9 years, crowning his long-time involvement in politics, but he is first and foremost European, as he does

The Progress of This Storm – Andreas Malm

October 5, 2018
The Progress of This Storm: Nature and Society in a Warming World, Andreas Malm, Verso, 2018, pp. 248, $33, ISBN 978-1-78663-415-3 Everywhere we go there is concrete; mirrors. Signs of modernity creep into the countryside and turn farmers into wage laborers, farms into ‘infrastructure developments’, thereby obliterating the difference between

Facing the Anthropocene – Ian Angus

September 27, 2018
Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System, Ian Angus, Monthly Review Press, 2016, pp. 280, $19 paperback, ISBN 978- 1 – 5836760 – 9 – 7 Ian Angus, the editor of the influential Climate & Capitalism ecosocialist journal, has written a masterful analysis of the

The Value of Nothing – Raj Patel

September 20, 2018
The Value of Nothing: Why Everything Costs so Much More Than We Think, Raj Patel, HarperCollins Publishers, 2009, 250 pp. paperback, $26.99, ISBN 978-1-55468-622-3 Raj Patel’s ‘The Value of Nothing’ claims that we have been beguiled by markets. He asserts that we have been led to believe that the price
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