Monopoly Capital – Baran and Sweezy

January 10, 2020
The main unit under monopolistic capitalism is the giant corporation. The book describes how contradictions arise in this system and how they are resolved and the effect they have on the society at large.

Tear Gas – Anna Feigenbaum

January 7, 2020
Dr. Feigenbaum traces the incorporation of tear gas into the modern day strategy of crowd control, its historical transformation from a barbaric chemical weapon to a weapon of choice and the role of corporations in this process.

The Green New Deal – Jeremy Rifkin

January 7, 2020
Rifkin outlines a pro-market and growth oriented plan for the transition to a green economy in the US. For Rifkin, the harbingers of hope are to be found in the business community.

Permanent Record – Edward Snowden

December 11, 2019
In this autobiography, Snowden sheds light on his life. decisions and events that led him to disclose classified information on mass surveillance programs run by the US government.

Abolish ICE – Natascha Elena Uhlmann

December 7, 2019
"We are here because you were there." In Abolish ICE, Uhlmann offers a passionate plea for justice and humanity, detailing the abuses immigrants suffer at the hands of successive US administrations

Carlos Slim – Diego Osorno

December 4, 2019
Carlos Slim: the Power, Money, and Morality of One of the World’s Richest Men, Diego Osorno, Verso, 2019, pp. 311, ISBN 978-1-78663-437-5 As Osorno states, “the powerful create a cloak of silence around them, which in countries like Mexico, is difficult to pierce.” It took Diego Osorno eight years, hundreds

Erdoğan Rising – Hannah Lucinda Smith

December 2, 2019
Erdoğan Rising: The Battle for the Soul of Turkey, Hannah Lucinda Smith, William Collins, 2019, pp. 395, ISBN 978-0-00-830884-1 Speaking in Ankara two weeks ago before heading off to Washington, Erdoğan repeated his oft-cited threat to allow the refugees to come to Europe. He was responding to the rebuke by the EU

We, the Survivors – Tash Aw (fiction)

November 29, 2019
We, the Survivors, Tash Aw, Hamish Hamilton, 2019, pp.326, ISBN 978-0-7352-3855-8 After British Malaya on the brink of Japanese invasion (The Harmony Silk Factory), post-colonial crackdown on leftists in Indonesia and Malaysia (Map of the Invisible World) and bustling Shanghai (Five Star Billionaire), Tash Aw has turned his narrative lens

Food or War – Julian Cribb

November 29, 2019
Food or War, Julian Cribb, Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 336, ISBN 978-1-108-71290-3 Paul R. Ehrlich claims to have understood overpopulation intellectually for a long time before the publications of his The Population Bomb in 1968. In the first chapter of the bestseller, Ehrlich recounts how he came to understand

The Five Hundred Year Rebellion – Benjamin Dangl

November 25, 2019
The Five Hundred Year Rebellion: Indigenous Movements and the Decolonization of History in Bolivia, Benjamin Dangl, AK Press, 2019, pp. 215, ISBN 978-1849353465 Dangl argues that an indigenous oral history of past struggles played a “crucial element for empowering, orienting, and legitimizing indigenous movements from the 1970s post-revolutionary Bolivia to

The BBC – Tom Mills

November 22, 2019
The BBC: Myth of a Public Service, Tom Mills, Verso Books, 2016, pp. 266, ISBN 978-1-78478-482-9 The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) occupies a mythical position in the field of journalism. Praised as the standard-bearer of ethical journalism, it is to this outlet that people turn to get their information. As

Keywords – John Patrick Leary

November 19, 2019
Keywords: the New Language of Capitalism, John Patrick Leary, Haymarket Books, 2019, pp. 206, ISBN 978-1-60846-962-8 Valentin Nikolaevich Voloshinov, a Soviet literary theorist, published his influential book Marxism and the Philosophy of Language in 1929, in which he maintained that the word is an ideological sign par excellence. A sign

Karl Marx – Shlomo Avineri

November 17, 2019
Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution, Shlomo Avinery, Yale University Press, 2019, pp. 217, ISBN 978-0-300-21170-2 Shlomo Avineri’s new intellectual biography of Karl Marx is a part of Yale University Press’ “Jewish Lives Series,” which is, according to the publisher, “aimed at exploring the many facets of Jewish identity” and the

Brazillionaires – Alex Cuadros

November 15, 2019
Brazillionaires: Wealth, Power, Decadence, and Hope in an American Country, Alex Cuadros, 2016, Spiegel & Grau, pp. 346, ISBN 978-0-8129,9676-0 Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva thrice ran for the presidency of Brazil before finally being elected in 2002. He started his political career by involving himself with the metalworker’s union
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